Twins Missing!

The XiNiX Twins (viscera & TwrlPuppy), after spending the last two weeks moving into their new apartment, have not been heard from since April 15th. Police reports indicate there are absolutely no clues to their whereabouts. Both cars and all their belongings remain intact with no signs of struggle, forced entry, or any other crime. The only thing found was fresh incense burning by a statue of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, which apparently had been lit in the last 48 hrs.

viscera was a long time member of the EFnet channel #alt.vampyres and his vixen, TwrlPuppy had begun frequenting the popular channel in recent months. Their disappearance is being linked to a seemingly endless chain of events being called the #alt.vampyres curse by the media.

In possibly related news, a rash of deaths have occured in and around the same apartment building. Even stranger, all the victims each had pairs of puncture wounds on and around the neck as well as being drained of all their blood. Coroners report that a large animal is the likely perpetrator.