Things you'll never hear: D:
- He.
- Hehehe.
- Fuck off, you old fool -- and your daughter too!!!
- I'm not hunting vampires after today.
- I don't know how to get my costume off...
- No, my hat isn't nailed to my head. I've just glued it to my wig.
- I love my daddy & mummy so much!!!
- As I recall, in my childhood I had the cuddliest teddy-bear...
- I want a vacation!!! Or a trip to a health resort... Yeah, a health resort.
- My nose, my nose!!!!!!! Meier Link:
- I don't need Charlotte. I prefer Carmilla.
- ... or D. It depends on my mood.
- Carmilla, your handwriting is AWFUL...
- Charlotte is such an idiot....
- Hm ... if I marry her, will her father pay my gambling debts?
- My beautiful face!!! Sun, you'll pay for this! I'm flying to you!!!!!! Charlotte:
- E=mc2
- I wouldn't leave my home with this vampiric adventurer!
- What is this "City of Distant Stars"? You've been reading far too much sci-fi.
- Ok, I'll go with you. But we're taking three vans of my personal library to the City of Distant Stars.
- Yes, I really have 40 litres of blood in my body, although it's impossible.
- All men are boring fools... Leila, honey, come here.... Carmilla:
- I have a blood allergy.
- Oh, forgive me, my castle is such a mess...
- Charlotte, dear, could you help me with my hair? The screwdriver is on the vanity.
- In my spare time I like to embroider of handkerchiefs. D, please take one for a souvenir.
- I remember it very well, it was in the dead of night on St. Bartholomew's massacre...
- Who stole my makeup?.... Leila:
- VAMPIRES?... I'm a crazy fan of them! Meier, would you give me your autograph?
- By the way, I want to marry a vampire. Meier, where are you going so fast?....
- High-heeled shoes are so uncomfortable in my work... Maybe running shoes would work better.
- Another idea - I'll put on a cocktail dress and let my hair grow.
- *looking at her gun* How does this work?
- D, would you marry me? Or, maybe you'd like me to marry you? D's horse:
- But, what's my name?...
- Hay? Is this a joke? D's Hand:
- ................................
- D, I hope your last paycheck will cover my dental bills... Nolt:
- Oh my, is it Windows Millennium?.... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!................
- Linux... oh, that's better....
- If I put on D's hat - will I look like Ido (from Battle Angel Alita)?...
- If so - can Leila cosplay Alita (Gally)? Benge:
- Our circus burned, so we get work where we can!!!
- I've got tangled in this string again... Caroline, do you have a pair of scissors? Mashira:
- Before the movie I built up my lower jaw advertising bubble gum...
- I used to be white and fluffy. Then I got fleas... Caroline:
- I hate body art... I want regular clothes and normal hair colour!!!
- Carmilla's makeup is very nice, I could never afford these.... elder of Barbarois:
- Who unscrewed the second and third wheels of my cycle?

—Gaallo, 2003

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